Legal notice
- Company:
- Loket Handels- und Dienstleistungs GmbH
- Address:
- Business Park 2, 8200 Gleisdorf
- Phone:
- +43 3112 - 389 12
- Email:
- Internet:
- Owner:
- Ivan Jacan, Ivan Eskinja
- Form of organisation:
- GmbH
- Chamber:
- Occupational title:
- Fabrication, assembly and repair of nets of all kinds Equipment of sports facilities and erection of fencing systems, brokerage of contracts for work and services.
- Place of register:
- Handelsgericht Graz
- Registration number:
- FN 436958 k
- Vat-ID:
- ATU69742834
Online dispute resolution in accordance with article 14, section 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions, which you can find here:
Furthermore, our company does not participate in consumer dispute proceedings.
Please also note our data protection declaration.